I want to check out costume movies on dvd. I have stumbled around this website and cannot find a link of titles. Help please. exp (pride & prejudi




   Searching for 'just' costume films can be a little inexact. I'm going to send you 2 separte emails with different list of films in our library that I found, but I'm sure there are more. What I did was go to one of our databases called WorldCat. Its records for films sometimes include information about costume designs. So first I narrowed the search down to include only films showing up in our MCPL catalog. Next I used costumes as a keyword. I then did 2 separte searches. One using the additional keyword phrase "great britain". The other with the kw phrase "historical fiction". I'm sure these searches will miss other films with costumes in them. However hopefully you can find what you want in the 2 lists I will be sending you. Let me know if you don't get those 2 lists and call us if you need more help, (816) 252-0950. Great question! 

  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 44
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