How do I tell if a book is a sequel or series?


Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a series and a sequel. 

Basically, a sequel is a book that follows a book whose story has ended. (Example:  the mystery was solved or the main character died.)  The sequel then rides on the laurels of the first book by examining a twist in the plot, a minor event, or using different characters.  Also, a sequel is often written by a different author. 

A series is an ongoing story told throughout more than one book.  A series that has 2 books is just a books with a sequel; with 3 books it is called a trilogy; with 4 books it is called a saga or sometimes a cycle; and beyond that it is just called a series.  All of the books in the series are written by the same author.



  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 878
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