I would like to rent the dvd "Eye of the Needle" starring Donald Sutherland on DVD. I can't find it in the MCPL catalog. Is there a way to

I would like to rent the dvd "Eye of the Needle" starring Donald Sutherland on DVD. I can't find it in the MCPL catalog. Is there a way to request it? Thanks - Rowena Appel


Anytime you don't find a title in our catalog, search our WorldCat Database before giving up.  WorldCat covers member libraries across the United States, and enables our customers to borrow titles that our system doesn't own.

I have placed a hold on a copy of "Eye of the Needle" for you.  It will be delivered to the Parkville Branch. 




  • Last Updated Jan 14, 2019
  • Views 76
  • Answered By

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